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Edamame – 5 Surprising Health Benefits Edamame Has To Offer

You’ll find edamame in a number of delicious Chinese and Japanese dishes, especially in Japanese restaurants; edamame is one of the most popular appetizers that is sometimes offered for free. That’s not all these legumes are good for.

Edamame, which is technically an immature soybean, has a number of surprising health benefits which makes them well worth including in your diet. In this article, we’ll go over a few of the many advantages of eating edamame as well as some of the easiest ways to consume this delicious vegetable. 

Top Health Benefits of Edamame 

1. Great Source of Fiber

Edamame proves to be a great source of fiber with as much as 5 grams of fiber per 100 grams. 

The fiber in edamame can help you digest your food more efficiently, thereby allowing you to receive energy faster and more effectively. Fiber is great for lowering cholesterol levels and maintaining consistent blood sugar levels. Moreover, fiber can help lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

2. Excellent Source of Protein

More people than ever are seeking out plant-based diets. Though this is excellent for the environment and can often offer a number of nutritional benefits, it can sometimes be difficult to garner a proper level of protein.

Luckily, edamame offers a whopping 33% of your daily value of protein from just one cup of the shelled legume

Protein allows you to repair vital muscle tissue. These macronutrients can be somewhat scarce in the natural world, making edamame that much more impressive. 

While on the topic of protein, check out our article on Low Carb High Protein Snacks!

Health Benefits of Edamame

3. Folate Rich Food

Folates are a type of B-vitamin that helps you to perform vital cell functions. They combine with vitamin B 12 to help with cell division, producing DNA, and catalyzing cell growth. 

The folates in edamame can help you grow muscle tissue, which work nicely with the natural protein in edamame to recover faster after strenuous exercise. 

4. Largely Unprocessed

Unlike many other dishes, edamame is traditionally prepared largely unprocessed by a steamer or with pan-frying methods.  

The lack of added cooking allows these vegetables to be especially nutritious. Since your body doesn’t have to undergo a heavy level of processing, you’re left with a more potent energy source. 

Health Benefits of Edamame

5. May Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

According to Cancer.Net, prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men outside of skin cancer. A number of studies have found that regular soy consumption can help reduce that risk, making edamame a tasty way to protect your future self. 

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Easy Ways to Prepare Edamame

Now that you know why edamame is so great, here are a couple of easy ways to enjoy this delicious snack. 

Healthy Edamame Cooking Techniques 2

1. Cook Edamame Traditionally

To prepare edamame, all you’ll need is the bean itself, soy sauce, seasoning and cooking oil of your choice.

Boil your edamame in a medium saucepanuntil properly cooked, usually for about 5 minutes. Next, move your edamame to a frying pan and sauté with cooking oil. Add in a pinch of soy sauce and seasoning to taste. 

There you have it! Nutritious veggies never tasted so good. 

2. Look for Specialty Cookbooks with Edamame

There’s a ton of legume-related recipes out on the internet, but you can simplify your process by investing in a legume cookbook.

There’s also a bunch of great options out on the market, and this can be a worthwhile investment especially if you’re on a plant-based diet. 

Healthy Edamame Cooking Techniques

3. Eat Dried Edamame

Dried edamame is just as nutritious and is a super easy snack to incorporate in your everyday routine. You can also look out for trail mixes that include these legumes as part of their recipe. 

4. Use a Meal Plan Service

Meal plan services not only deliver fresh meals to your doorstep, but they also incorporate foods that you may not have had access to, like edamame. With a regular tasty meal to look forward to, this subscription is bound to pay for itself. 

Not only that, but meal plan services can help you save valuable time while still giving you all of your vital nutrients. Check out brands like Freshly and Sun Basket to spark your inner foodie. 

Edamame – A Delicious and Nutritious Snack

Edamame is incredibly nutritious and can be a delicious way to start incorporating healthier foods into your diet. Whether you enjoy it dried or before a sushi binge, you’re sure to love all the heart-healthy benefits that these green legumes can provide.

Looking for more health related articles, check out our article on Health benefits of Jackfruit, Mushroom health benefits and recipes, Foods for weight loss, and even an article on Is spaghetti actually healthy?

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