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8 Ultimate Life Tips To Help You Live Your Best Life!

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life 2

In my early twenties, for a series of fortunate events I met two men who eventually out of the goodness of their hearts volunteered to be surrogate fathers to me and never asked for anything in return. I’ll never forget the life lessons they taught me over the years. And in turn, partly in their memory, I have tried to pass along these life tips to my own children.

They took me under their wing and taught me how not to just succeed at getting stronger, but how to live my best life.

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life - dont let rude people bother you 2

1 – Never Let Anger Control You

A man that loses his temper early and often is a man with very few virtues. If you let anger control your decision making, then you need to make a few serious changes in your life.

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2 – Body Language Is Key

It is a bit strange that even those that are highly successful and professional are not always aware of their body language. Simply crossing your arms in a conversation puts out the signals that you are not open to what the other person is saying. And if you are not able to make eye contact with someone that you are talking to, then you need to work on it. Your body language is saying even more about yourself than the words that are coming out of your mouth.

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life - no women is out of your league

3 – No Woman Is Ever Out of Your League

Men do themselves a huge disservice in the dating and relationship department. We view an unbelievably hot woman and instead of making eye contact, going up for a little chat, or even saying hello, we just awkwardly stare at her from 20 feet away. If 95 percent of men do this, then they are only being approached by five percent of all men.

This is not a huge percentage. No wonder the hottest women usually end up with the biggest jerks. Next time you view a woman that you believe to be absolutely gorgeous, wait for your moment and then drop in and say hello. You may just surprise yourself and become her husband someday.

Don’t know what qualities to look for in the perfect women for you other then looks? We can name a few for you! Check them out!

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life - no tricks to losing weight

4 – There Are No Tricks to Losing Weight

With countless diets and eating plans out there, you may spend a small fortune to lose a few pounds. However, you don’t have to take this path. There is no secret to losing weight. You just have to eat less, eat healthier on a daily basis, and exercise as often as you can. If you follow this routine, you will be shedding that extra weight around your midsection. Keep it simple and you will do fine.

5 – Keep Your Standards High

I’m not just talking about women, but everything in your life. Go for the job that you want, not the one you are settling for. Don’t hook up with the girl at the bar that everyone has hooked up with. The girl of your dreams may see this and think less of you. Live your life as if you knew everyone was watching you and always do the right thing. Keep your standards high and it will pay off immediately.

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life - dont let rude people bother you

6 – If You Think Everyone Around You Is a Jerk…

We all encounter rude or stupid people throughout our day. It is just a part of life. But if you think everyone around you is a jerk, then there is a very good chance that you should be looking inward instead. It may come as a shock that everyone else is completely normal and the only person that is acting like a jerk is you.


7 – Don’t Make Excuses

Self-pity is not very becoming and making excuses is mostly for weak men that will not take responsibility for their own actions. Are you going to spend your life pointing fingers at other people or crying in the dark? Do your best and overcome obstacles. Don’t make excuses if you are having a tough time getting to where you want to be. Put on your big boy pants and get things done.

If you have been wanting to start something new in your life perhaps a online business, just take the step and do it, don’t make excuses, use resources like Squarespace, Acuity, Linkedin Jobs, Constant Contact and many more platforms out there tel help you start your business today! You just have to take the first step.

8 Life tips for men who want to live thier best life - treat others the way you want to be treated

8 – Treat the Janitor As Well As You Would the Boss

A person’s professional status in life should not determine whether you treat them with the utmost respect or not. Everyone you encounter deserves respect unless they give you a solid reason why they shouldn’t. Don’t just hand out respect to those that are making more money than you. The people that are making less than you could be some of the best individuals you will ever meet in your life.

Now that we have you on track to live your best life as a man, how about living the best life as a dad?

Family is key in life and we all know you want to be your best self for your little ones. So check out these few tips or I guess pointers for living a happy life as a family man!

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