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Safety Tips When Staying in a Hotel or Airbnb

Woman Leaning on Handrail in Room - safety tips when staying in a hotel

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, staying in a hotel or Airbnb can be an exciting experience. However, it’s important to prioritize your safety and security during your stay. By following some essential safety tips, you can ensure a comfortable and worry-free stay. In this article, we will provide you with valuable advice on hotel safety tips.

We’ll also tell you how to take precautions when staying in a hotel or Airbnb.

Safety Tips When Staying in a Hotel or Airbnb

Research Your Options

When it comes to hotel safety, the first step is to choose your place to stay wisely. First, research the neighborhood where the hotel or Airbnb is located and read reviews from previous guests. Opt for accommodations that are located in safe and well-lit areas.

Finally, use Google to look up reviews from past visitors. If the space has a lot of positive feedback with positive feedback regarding security measures, you’ll have peace of mind.

Additionally, consider asking the company about security measures. Property managers may have the ability to point out features other patrons didn’t notice. After all, most spaces have security cameras, and some may even train staff for emergencies.

When it comes to hotel safety, Hilton takes it seriously. Their family of hotels includes top-recommended name brands, including the Ritz Carlton and Embassy Suites. Request a room in many of your favorite destinations around the world and have your dream vacation. You can also take advantage of a hotel that takes travel safety to the next level.

If you’re staying at an Airbnb, the tips will be a bit different than the top hotel safety tips. For example, an Airbnb owner won’t employ trained staff and may not have security cameras. However, you can still ask questions pertaining to safety, such as how the house locks. Also, some Airbnb owners put alarm systems in their homes.

What to Do When You Get There

Upon arriving at your hotel or Airbnb, familiarize yourself with the layout of the building. Locate the emergency exits and stairwells, and ensure that they are easily accessible. In case of an emergency, knowing your escape route can be crucial. If you notice any issues with the exits or if they seem blocked or obstructed, inform the hotel management immediately.

When inside your room, take a few moments to assess its safety features. Check that the door has a deadbolt lock, a peephole, and a security chain. Then, use these features whenever you are inside the room, especially when answering the door.

Keep your door locked at all times, even if you are just stepping out for a few minutes. Consider using a doorstop alarm or a portable travel door lock for added security.

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Hotel safety tips also include safeguarding your belongings. So, make use of the in-room safe to store your valuable items such as passports, cash, and jewelry. Avoid displaying your wealth or leaving valuable items unattended in your room.

If your hotel or Airbnb does not provide a safe, you can carry a portable travel safe. Additionally, hidden compartments in your luggage work well for this purpose.

Don’t Share Your Information

During your stay, be cautious of strangers who may approach you on the hotel or Airbnb premises. Be wary of unsolicited offers or requests for personal information. Do not share your room number or any sensitive details with individuals you do not trust. If someone claims to be a staff member, always verify their identity by calling the front desk before opening the door.

Be Careful When Venturing Out

When venturing outside your place, take the same precautions you would in any unfamiliar environment. Keep your belongings close to you, avoid walking alone late at night, and stay in well-populated areas. Meanwhile, be mindful of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, return to your hotel or Airbnb or seek assistance from the local authorities.

Additionally, consider notifying the front desk or the property owner about your daily plans. Inform them of your expected return time and any guests you may be expecting. This way, they can keep an eye out for your well-being and take necessary measures to ensure your safety.

For the utmost safety, carry pepper spray.

Sabre Runner's Pepper Gel Spray - Black, image 1 of 17 slides

Enjoy Your Trip

When staying in a hotel or Airbnb, prioritize your safety and take necessary precautions. By following these hotel safety tips, you can enjoy a secure and worry-free stay. Remember, your safety should always be a top priority when traveling.

Being safe enables you to enjoy your trip and fully explore your destination. If you’re looking for some of the best places to travel, check out our favorite destinations!

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