Summer is just around the corner! Plan to explore the great outdoors while the weather allows for it. But unless you’ve got a few extra hundreds lying around, it can be hard to justify buying new gear. That’s why we went out to find the best places for deals on outdoor gear!
Deals on Outdoor Gear
The following places are the cheapest and best places to buy your camping, fishing, and hiking gear. The reason is that you’ll be able to find quality outdoor gear that’s often on sale.
L.L. Bean

Clothing, footwear, bags, and travel gear, you can find everything you need at the highest of quality over at L.L. Bean. Well known for their fine outdoor goods (like tents) and active clothing, if you’re looking for deals, there’s a good chance you’ll find what you need with L.L. Bean.

Discover unbeatable deals on top-quality outdoor gear at Filson, the go-to destination for premium adventure essentials. Renowned for their commitment to craftsmanship and durability, Filson offers a curated selection of outdoor gear that seamlessly blends rugged functionality with timeless style.
From durable duffle bags to weather-resistant apparel, Filson ensures you’re prepared for any outdoor escapade without compromising on quality or style, making it your ultimate destination for the best deals on top-tier outdoor gear.
Dick’s Sporting Goods
You are most likely familiar with Dick’s Sporting Goods. They have a huge selection of outdoor gear including camping, hiking, fishing, and paddling– just to name a few! Plus, they have some great deals on outdoor gear.
If you want more examples of deals on outdoor gear, browse their outdoor section. There are tons of great items like solo stoves, bikes, and kayaks.
Bass Pro Shops

Another well-known name is Bass Pro Shops. If you have one near you, you probably know that this is a great place to grab all your outdoor gear. Focusing on the outdoors, Bass Pro Shop has good quality brands and gear.
Best deals: On their website, there is a whole section for sales and clearance. It’s not slim picking either! For instance, we found this amazing fishing reel. The sale items are categorized by each outdoor activity including hunting, boating, fishing, shooting, archery, and camping.

We’re sure that Cabela’s is also bound to have countless options for outdoor gear. They offer lots of great brands that have deals on outdoor gear. Acquired by Bass Pro Shops in 2017, you will see a similar website design and items.
Best deals: Just like the Bass Pro Shop website, Cabela’s also features an extensive sale and clearance tab. It’s also organized by outdoor activities. Like Bass Pro Shop, Cabela’s sale section has items marked down for fishing, boating, shooting, archery, camping, and hunting.
Camping World

If your favorite outdoor activity is camping then you know Camping World has everything you need. But don’t disregard this store if you don’t plan on camping this summer. Camping World also has gear for fishing, boating, paddling, and cycling.
Best deals: When shopping online, browse the clearance tab. Also, check out the tab specifically for online specials and current ads. If you want to save a little extra money with each purchase, become a Good Sam member! You’ll get discounts, free shipping, and member-exclusive coupons.
If you’re looking for a store with a wide variety of outdoor gear, REI provides you with everything you need! From camping supplies to hiking boots, fishing, and more, you can stock up on your favorite outdoor supplies before you head out the door!
In particular, we love these backpacks, which are meant to help you carry all your supplies as you go on a rough adventure without weighing you down too much!

Another great option for camping supplies and great outdoorsy Packs and Bags are Cotopaxi. Built for a life outdoors, Cotopaxi offers a wide variety of backpacks from hiking and day packs, to carry-on luggage and travel packs.
More Outdoor Ideas
You don’t have to look far for deals on outdoor gear. Big stores near you often have great sales selections. And even if you don’t live near any of these stores, it’s so easy to shop online these days (and easier to browse the sales tab).
While you’re stocking up on some deals, don’t forget to stock up on memories. Plan a fun outdoor activity with your kids! If you’re going to be camping with all the best gear, make sure you have plenty of food for an amazing camping meal. And when you need a break from the heat or the rain causes you to cancel your outdoor plans, fear not. Check out our guide for fun indoor summer activities for families.