Having the right spring hiking gear for families can make or break your trip to the mountains. While the weather tends to be warmer, it can also be unpredictable. It could be sunny one moment and absolutely cold and rainy the next! This can make planning a hiking trip difficult, as there are certain items that you’ll need to stay safe and comfortable.
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a short weekend getaway or a weeklong adventure in nature. Here are a couple of essential items that you’ll want to ensure your family has the best time outdoors!
Essential Spring Hiking Gear for Families
Waterproof Tent
As we said, spring weather is notoriously unpredictable. For this reason, you’ll want to make sure you have a waterproof tent to keep your family dry and comfortable. The key is to find a tent made with fabrics to withstand wind and rain. It should have a rainfly and come with a waterproof coating to block out ground moisture too.
And if you’re traveling with lots of kiddos, you might need a big camping tent to accommodate the whole family!
Three-Season Sleeping Bag
Even if it’s warm during the day, nights in spring can be very chilly. A three-season sleeping bag is a must, as it’s designed specifically to handle cooler temperatures. Ideally, these sleeping bags should have a comfort rating down to 0°F. We also recommend looking for one with water-repellant fabric that’s synthetic (polyester is ideal). Therefore, it’ll still be warm even if it happens to get wet.
Moisture-Wicking Layers
Wearing layered clothing when camping is smart – but it’s especially important if you’re going in spring. Being outdoors can cause you to sweat, so look for base layers with moisture-wicking fabrics like merino wool or synthetic polyester. Try to avoid cotton, as it can retain moisture and become heavy if it gets damp.
A mid-layer is needed for insulation. Fleece jackets or lightweight sweaters can provide warmth when temperatures start to drop in the evening. And of course, don’t forget your weather-protectant outer layer! A waterproof and windproof shell is crucial for predictable spring showers and breezes.
Waterproof Hiking Boots
Along with your layers, a pair of waterproof hiking boots will help you handle the potentially wet and slippery terrain. Nature trails can get extra muddy in the spring, and the last thing you want is to be stuck with cold, damp socks. Waterproof boots are super important for kids, as we all know how much they love jumping in puddles!
If you’re unsure which boot is right for you, check out this list of the best hiking boots for men.
Dry Bags
Don’t ruin your electronics and valuables during your trip! Bring a couple of dry bags to keep your gear dry and protect it from the elements. These ones are made from rugged 75-denier polyurethane that won’t rip or tear. And because they have a roll-top closure, you can also take them with you out on the water. So not only are they ideal for camping, but they’re also suitable for boating and kayaking trips too!
In addition to dry bags, you should also toss a few Ziploc bags into your backpack. This can help you keep small gadgets organized and away from water or rain.
Bug Spray
Mosquitos, ticks, and biting insects come out in full force the second that spring hits. To prevent itchy bites or potentially dangerous diseases, a strong bug repellent is very important to have. DEET products offer the strongest protection against mosquitos and ticks. Or you can try Picaridin repellent, which is an effective alternative to DEET. But if you’re looking for a spray made with natural ingredients, lemon and eucalyptus oil works well too.
First Aid Kit
When it comes to family trips, it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Having a well-stocked first aid kit on hand will ensure you’re prepared for any unexpected accidents or injuries. Bandages for boo boos, tablets for spring allergy relief, and antiseptic wipes for wounds are a must!
The best thing about first aid kits is that they’re useful for ANY trip. So even if you don’t use it camping, you can toss it in your car or suitcase for any type of family adventure!
Portable Stove

Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you have to subject your family to freeze-dried camping meals! With a portable stove, you can whip up tons of delicious, mouthwatering meals everyone will love. From frying up burgers to flipping pancakes, the right cooking stove opens up a world of endless possibilities for mealtime. If you need some culinary inspiration, check out our list of the best camping food for the family.
Enjoy Your Spring Hiking Trip
Spring is one of the most popular times to plan your outdoor family vacation or outing. Because of the fewer crowds and warmer temperatures, lots of people love spending their weekends up on the mountain. But changing weather and unpredictable temperatures mean you’ll need specific spring hiking gear for families. As long as everyone has layered clothing, bug protection, and waterproof gear, you’ll be prepared for anything Mother Nature has in store!