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How to Discuss the Elections Respectfully at Home

Knowing how to discuss the elections respectfully at home can be a challenging task. These days, the political climate is already charged, and the upcoming election is likely to intensify those feelings further. This is especially true if you have people in your family with different viewpoints and opinions.

But talking about politics doesn’t have to be a taboo topic, nor does it have to ruin your family event. With a few simple strategies, everyone can engage in a respectful and proactive manner when discussing the election.

How to Discuss the Elections Respectfully at Home

Set Ground Rules

If you’re worried about the conversation getting out of hand, don’t be afraid to enforce some rules. Having boundaries can create a safer space for everyone to share their opinions and beliefs. It can also help with the flow of discussion while avoiding potentially heated or personal debates. Therefore, make sure that everyone understands the guidelines for the political discussion before things get heated.

For example, you can enforce the following rules:

  • No personal attacks: Keep the conversation at a high level and don’t criticize the person or individual.
  • No interrupting: Everyone should have an equal chance to voice their thoughts without being cut off.
  • Show respect: No matter how different opinions may be, everyone should try to maintain a level of peace with each other.

Be an Active Listener

active listener - how to talk about the elections respectfully at home

Being an active listening is one of the most crucial skills of how to discuss the elections respectfully at home. Giving someone your full attention is key to having a productive and engaging conversation.

Unfortunately, many people listen with the goal of coming up with their own response. Instead of truly soaking in what the others are saying, they spend time formulating how they want to reply. True active listening requires you to set aside your need to respond to focus on the other person.

To become a better active listener, you can follow these tips:

  • Don’t interrupt: Allow the speaker to finish everything they want to say.
  • Paraphrase what they’ve said: This shows you have been listening and understanding the discussion at hand.
  • Ask questions: Instead of responding with a counterpoint, ask clarifying questions to learn more.
  • Consider your physical behaviors: Genuine eye contact and good posture show you are engaged.

Don’t Make Assumptions

It can be easy to make assumptions based on someone’s political affiliation. But these preconceived notions can come off as ignorant or rude. And in many situations, it can make the other person defensive or aggressive, which is not a good foundation for a political discussion.

Instead of stereotyping their motives and beliefs, come into the discussion with an open mind. Ask questions and approach the topic with curiosity rather than judgment. You just might find that there are perspectives and thoughts you haven’t considered before!

Focus on Shared Values and Similarities

Despite what many people think, opposing political parties often have many underlying similarities. Identifying what those shared values are can help you find common ground with other people around the table. It also acts as a remaindering that we, as humans, are not as different from each other as we may think.

Share Personal Experiences

Many people have an easier time relating to topics when it impacts someone they know personally. So, one of the best ways to discuss the elections respectfully at home is to calmly talk about your personal experiences with certain issues.

If possible, try to frame your views around your own personal experiences. This can humanize the conversation and provide a perspective that the other person may not have previously considered. It also shows the real-life implications of something rather than being an abstract ideology or concept.

Have a Sense of Humor

family laughing at a dinner table - how to discuss the elections respectfully at home

Politics doesn’t have to be a dry and serious topic. Making light jokes ease tensions and prevent things from getting too heated. For instance, telling a few Dad jokes can also be way to get people to laugh!

Adding humor to the topic can keep everybody’s emotions from getting out of hand. But whatever you do, don’t use jokes to provoke or insult. This can actually escalate the discussion and make people more on edge when talking about the election.

If your family can poke fun of each other’s political beliefs without causing a stir, get some presidential candles to “lighten the mood”!

Accept Things May Not Change

When discussing politics, many people have the goal of trying to change the other person’s mind. However, this expectation can make a healthy and proactive conversation nearly impossible. At the end of the day, political conversation is less about proving a point and more about understanding the people we are with.

Instead of trying to flip someone to see your side, approach the discussion with the intent to learn. By accepting that people may not change, you don’t have to focus on “winning” the conversation.

Know When to Walk Away

Even with the best intentions, it’s always possible for a political conversation to get too emotionally charged. If you feel things are becoming too intense, don’t be afraid to step back from the discussion. It’s perfectly okay for people to “agree to disagree”, especially if you take our advice from above and accept that things may not change.

Keep in mind that walking away isn’t a sign of weakness or defeat. In fact, it’s actually showing that you prioritize the relationship with friends and family more than convincing them of your beliefs.

You shouldn’t be afraid to have an open and engaging discussion about politics with your family. With these tips on how to discuss the elections respectfully at home, you can ensure that things stay civil and peaceful. That way, you won’t have to worry about any awkward moments during Thanksgiving or Christmas!

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