New Dad Alert: She’s Having a Baby, What to Prepare?

Person Holding Baby's Hand

As a father, the thought of preparing during the partner’s pregnancy can be both exciting and terrifying. She’s having a baby, how can you help get everything ready? After all, there’s no manual for parenthood, and the thought of having a tiny human completely dependent on you can be a bit overwhelming.

But fear not, fellow dads! With a bit of preparation and a dash of humor, you’ll be ready to tackle fatherhood head-on. So, let’s dive into some tips and products to help you prepare for a new baby.

1. Invest in a good diaper bag

As a new dad, you’ll quickly learn that the diaper bag is your lifeline. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of baby gear, with enough compartments and pockets to hold everything from diapers and wipes to snacks and toys. Look for a bag that’s both stylish and functional. Here are a couple of ones we love that have stellar ratings:

 Storksak Water Resistant Diaper Backpack - how to prepare for a baby
Storksak Water Resistant Diaper Backpack


KeaBabies Diaper Bag with Changing Pad

2. Get your home ready

Before your baby arrives, take the time to baby-proof your home. This means covering up those sharp corners, adding safety locks to cabinets and drawers, and securing any loose cords or wires. You’ll also want to set up a designated changing station, complete with all the essentials like wipes, diapers, and diaper cream. And don’t forget to stock up on plenty of snacks for those late-night feeding sessions!

If you need baby proof items for your home, check this set by Safety 1st which combines multiple items for different locations.

3. Consider a baby carrier

Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier

As a dad, you’ll quickly learn that your arms are your most valuable asset. A baby carrier can help you keep your hands free while still keeping your little one close.

The Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier is a great option for dads and other family members, with amazing reviews! With its comfortable design and multiple carrying positions. Plus, it’s easy to adjust, so you can switch between mom and dad with ease.

4. Think about the Sleeping Solutions

Stokke Sleepi™ V3 Convertible Crib

When it comes to sleeping solutions for your baby, there are two main options to consider: cribs and bedside bassinets. Cribs are a great option for parents who want a long-term solution for their baby’s sleeping arrangements. They typically come with adjustable mattress heights, so you can lower the mattress as your baby grows and becomes more mobile. Cribs also tend to be more durable and can be used for multiple children.

Bedside bassinets, on the other hand, can be an additional good choice for the beginning, when the parents want to keep their baby close during the night. They attach to the side of the bed, allowing you to easily tend to your baby’s needs without having to get out of bed. Bedside bassinets are also smaller and more portable than cribs, making them a great option for families who travel frequently.

There are also cribs like the Stokke Sleepi V3 Convertible Crib, which converts from a smaller crib to a larger child size bed so it can be used from birth to five years of age. Once your child is old enough to get in and out of the bed on their own, you can remove the wheels and one side of the bed for easy access.

5. Invest in a good baby monitor

As a new dad, you’ll want to keep a close eye on your little one, even when you’re not in the same room. A good baby monitor can help you do just that.

The Nanit Pro Camera is a great option, it comes with a wall mount and an app, that allows you to leave the sound in the background even while the screen is turned off.

Pros: By mounting it at the top of the crib you will have the most perfect view. Cons: You’re not easily able to move it around in case the baby is sleeping somewhere else.

If you’re looking for something more portable yet still technologically advanced, check out Infant Optics Digital Video Monitor DXR-8 Pro. Designed with a large 5-inch screen, it features Active Noise Reduction, so you’re able to filter out any background noise such as fans or noise machines

Nanit Pro Camera and Wall Mount
Infant Optics Digital Video Monitor DXR-8 Pro

6. Stock up on baby gear

There are plenty of baby gear essentials you’ll want to have on hand before she’s having a baby. A car seat is one of the most important items you’ll need, as you won’t be able to leave the hospital without one. You’ll also want to consider a stroller, a changing table with a mattress, and plenty of diapers. Other items to consider include a breast pump, bottle warmer, etc.

7. Consider your own needs

While preparing for a new baby is certainly exciting, it’s also important to consider your own needs. Make sure you have plenty of support in place. This might mean hiring a babysitter or enlisting the help of family and friends. You’ll also want to make sure you have plenty of self-care items on hand, such as comfortable clothes, healthy snacks, and a good book to read during those late-night feedings.

8. Don’t forget to have fun

Above all, remember that preparing for a new baby should be fun! Take the time to enjoy the process, whether that means picking out the perfect crib or putting together the perfect playlist for the delivery room. And when your little one finally arrives, take the time to soak it all in. After all, these moments will be some of the most special of your life.

In conclusion, preparing for a new baby can be both exciting and overwhelming, but with a bit of preparation and a sense of humor, you’ll be ready to tackle father

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