Landscaping with these front yard hedge ideas can really improve the look of your garden. Not only do they give your yard structure, hedges can add curb appeal to your home! And depending on your budget and style, there are so many different types of hedges you can choose from. Purple leaves, fragrant flowers, and green bushes are just a few common types of plants that look great in any yard.
Even if these plants don’t thrive where you live, you can implement other landscaping ideas that use plants that grow locally!
So if you want to give your home a makeover and make your yard eye-catching, then check out the following front garden hedge ideas!
Our Favorite Front Yard Hedge Ideas
1. Hedges and Fences

If you don’t think you can have a hedge because you already have a front yard fence – think again! Picking a hedge that can grow with your fence is a great way to add color and texture to your home. Ideally, you’ll want something flowy that has longer stems or even flowers, as it can intertwine with the pickets. Just plant your favorite flowering hedge, and you’ll have a beautiful, whimsical garden and outdoor space in no time!
2. Movable Screen Hedges
Instead of planting your hedge in the ground, why not make it movable by adding them to your planters? We recommend rectangle vegetable planters, as they are the perfect size for a hedge. Plus, they add some height as well, so it can provide more privacy than if they were planted in the ground.
We love the look of these wooden trellis planters. You can also add ivy or other flowers to them for a more vibrant and playful appearance that can add interest to your yard. And if you would like to move the hedges around as you wish, you’ll be thankful that they have wheels too!
3. Hedges Around Flower Beds

We love the look of a low hedge circling your flower beds. It gives the flower bed more shape and an English-manicured garden look. You don’t want anything taller than a foot or two, or else it will block your flowers. Therefore, you should go with a Hawthorn Hedge, Hornbeam Hedge, or Laurel Hedging, as they are small and great for garden beds.
4. Hedging Steps

This is one of the most creative front yard hedge ideas we’ve seen! If you have steps that lead up to your front porch, then you can add hedges to mimic the tiered pattern. You can do this by planting different-sized hedges or trimming large hedges to define the shape. It’s a very modern look that can really transform your front yard!
5. Round Garden Hedge
When most people think of garden hedges, they likely picture something that is square or cubes. But hedges can be trimmed to be pretty much any shape!
And one of our favorite front garden hedge ideas is to have something that is round. Instead of a continuous hedge line around your home, add several circular hedges instead. It’s a unique decorative element that gives your yard a very fancy and sophisticated look, making it a great choice for your landscape design.
6. Pathway Border Hedge
While hedges can be planted anywhere, they look great lining the walkway that leads up to your home. They can also be next to your driveway as well. For pathway border hedges, you should go with something that is small and not too overwhelming. But if you prefer privacy, you can always plan a larger hedge that has the possibility to be trimmed in spring or summer.
Nurture Your Green Thumb
Gone are the days of boring, stiff garden hedges. Between the variety of plans and different trimming styles, hedges are one of the more versatile garden plants! We hope these front yard hedge ideas have inspired you to revamp your garden.
And while they look great in the front of the house, these ideas can also be used for your backyard too. If you are renovating your backyard, we have a few must-have tools and maintenance tips for you to keep in mind. Good luck with the gardening!