The Best Resume Format

Woman Getting a Job Interview - best resume format

So you’re beginning the job search on ZipRecruiter and need to make or update your resume. Let’s dive into the best resume format to help you get noticed and hired on ZipRecruiter.

The best resume format varies depending on your work experience and the type of job you are applying to. A good general format that works for most people is a resume that is organized in chronological order. Let’s take a look at the components of a chronological resume.

Creating the Best Resume Format

Resume Lettering Text on Black Background - best resume format

Once you have your resume created and polished with the best resume format, create an account on ZipRecruiter. The initial process is quick and will have you matched to the types of jobs you are looking for. Employers will also be able to view your profile and personally invite you to apply to their open positions, helping you get more interviews and be hired more quickly!

Let’s go through all the ingredients for the best resume.

Name and Contact Information

You’ll want to begin your resume with your name and contact information at the top so employers on ZipRecruiter can easily contact you. You should include your name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure your email address has your name in it and is professional sounding.

Summary or Objective

In the next section of your resume, include a short summary of who you are and the experience you have. This should be brief and not take up a large section of your resume, so no more than two sentences.

Professional History

Person in White Long Sleeve Shirt Holding a Clipboard with Resume - best resume format

Next, include your professional work history in chronological order from most recent to earliest. For each position that you held, include the company name, the position that you worked in, and the dates you worked there. Then, below that information, include a few bullet points that describe the most important parts of your job duties.

Educational History

In the next section, you’ll want to include your education and degree earned. Include your college’s name, the dates attended, and the title of the degree or certification you earned. If you did not attend college, list the technical schools you may have attended or the high school you attended.

Skills and Abilities

In the final section of the best resume format, include any skills or abilities that are relevant to your degree or the job you are searching for. You can also include experience and certificates that you have that may help you stand out to employers.

Now, let’s take a look at an example of the best resume format. Use this guide as a template to help you create a resume with your information.

Resume Example

First Name Last Name


City, State

(555) 555-5555


Summary of who you are and the work experience you have. This engages the employer to want to learn more about who you are and what you offer.

Professional History

ABC School, Third Grade Teacher

August 2017-Present

  • Develop lesson plans
  • Collaborate with other teachers
  • Facilitate group work

123 Elementary School, Student Teacher

August 2016-June 2017

  • Worked with a mentor-teacher to design lessons
  • Engaged students in small group work

Educational History

The College of College

August 2013-May 2017

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Skills and Abilities

Organized, engaging personality, able to multitask, proficient in Microsoft and Google Drive, empathetic, Read to Succeed certification, Early Childhood certification, Gifted and Talented certified

Start Getting Great Jobs

Read over your resume as a final step to check for any spelling or grammatical errors. Also read through it to make sure it truly showcases your skills and abilities and doesn’t list any “bad skills.” Besides having the best resume format, there are other essentials you’ll need to help you prepare for the job search. Along with your resume, some companies may ask for a cover letter as well. Make sure you’re prepared for interview questions that may come up once employers ask you to interview with them. Best of luck in the job search!

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