The holidays can certainly be eventful, but it’s important to remember that the end of the year is also a time for reflection. With the new year right around the corner, it’s time to revise our old resolutions and begin new ones for a happier, healthier life.
Top New Year’s Resolutions for Any New Year
Take the future into your own hands and make it everything you’ve ever wanted! Here are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for you to consider for some serious changes in the new year.
Be Less Cluttered
One of the best ways to build happiness is to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter in your life and to resolve to be less of a consumer. Use the new year as an opportunity to donate or trash what you don’t need, to make more room for all the things you do. This resolution is a two-fold winner. Not only can you get rid of things you don’t need, but you can also provide things for others who are in need!
Spend Less Time Online
Become more connected by spending less time with screens and more time with people you love. Try using a simple timer to track how much time you spend on your phone and computer. Set a daily quota, stick to it, and you’ll be surprised how much time you free up! Additionally, putting away smartphones might also help you realize how much your sleep is affected by screen time!
Learn to Be Mindful
Mindfulness apps are all the rage right now, and downloading geared apps and guided audio can help you learn to meditate. Learn mindfulness to make it your most stress-free year yet. Yoga can also be a great way to be mindful or get you into a mindful headspace.
Get Out of Debt
Perhaps one of the most impactful resolutions is getting out of debt. Invest in a certified planner, set aside more money, and do whatever it takes to get your financial affairs in order. Financial freedom is not only good for your bank account but also your overall mental health.
The first step in doing so is to learn about your credit score. Credit scores are important when making big life decisions and MyFico offers an easy and intuitive platform right at your fingertips. It is the leading expert on FICO scores and provides complete coverage from the top 3 credit bureaus. MyFico updates monthly, allowing you to keep track of your current score and unpaid debt! Learn more about your credit score and credit and debt history and protect yourself from identity theft!

Be a Conscious Consumer
We’ve seen some weird times in the last year or two, and while it’s tempting to let go and have fun, it’s also critical to stop and take a look around. Supply chain issues are affecting nearly everyone, and it makes you wonder what we can do about it. This year, once the Christmas buying is over, contemplate being less of a consumer of goods. Recycle and reuse, resolve to buy fewer new things for a while, and see how changing your buying mindset helps you feel better about your place in the world!
Create a Regular Gym Routine
Fitness goals are some of the top resolutions recorded every year. But this year, instead of trying to lose a specific amount of weight, resolved to set a regular gym schedule. By committing yourself to something regardless of the goal you’ll be able to maintain it much easier! Make sure you have the proper gear to support your new lifestyle and commit yourself to your set schedule.

Start a Side Hustle
With the booming gig economy, this is the perfect time to develop a side hustle to maximize your earnings. Check out books, blogs, and other online resources for guidance down your freelance path. Like to drive? Sign up with a ride-share company or look into being a delivery driver!
Try Something New
I once knew someone who had resolved to try something new once a month. And they went for it! I saw how it changed their life into something fulfilling and conversational. Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but never did out of fear? Shoot for accomplishing that goal this next year!
Take Cooking Classes
Have you ever felt like you’d rather be more than just mediocre in the kitchen? Why not try looking into some cooking classes? Sur La Table offers many cooking classes, both online and in-person! Spend some time learning about different cooking methods and show off your new skills with a dinner party!
Start a Journal
One of the best things to do to start being more aware of yourself is to journal. Get a blank notebook, start a January 1st entry, and see if you can make it through the whole year! Target has many notebooks and journals from which to choose!
Book a Trip
Once the holidays are over, it can be difficult to feel excited about anything coming up. The thought of traveling is now a possibility, and seeing new places makes for a New Year’s resolution! Booking a trip can help you fulfill your resolution and also give you something to look forward to this winter! If you need destination suggestions, check out 5 top winter destinations here.

Start and Complete a Reading List
Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary and learn more just by lying back and soaking in what you’re reading! This coming year, make a list of how many books you’d like to read this year. If you’re busy, we suggest keeping the number manageable. That way, if you go over, you’ll feel that much more accomplished.

Have a Happy New Year
There you have it! These are some of the most effective New Year’s resolutions. Whatever goal you end up choosing, you owe it to yourself to stick to it. However, it’s also important to not beat yourself up if you don’t stick with something. If it’s important to you, then get back to it and try again! Enjoy ringing in the new year with a focused mindset and plan for success.
Don’t have NYE plans yet? Here are a few date night ideas for you and your SO on NYE, or perhaps you want to travel for NYE, give these places a look!