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Where to Find People Looking for Jobs

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Looking for employees to fill your open roles? You’re not alone – the “Great Resignation” means most companies have a vacancy or two to fill. As more people than ever leave jobs they don’t find fulfilling, it’s been reported that 44% of employees consider themselves job seekers, and that’s not counting people currently out of work. So, where are all these people looking for work (hint: it’s on ZipRecruiter)? 

Below, we’ll guide you through the best places to find people looking for jobs so you don’t waste any time filling your open positions. 

Where to Find People Looking for Jobs 

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1. ZipRecruiter

With over 25 million monthly active users, a huge percentage of people looking for jobs are looking for them on ZipRecruiter! ZipRecruiter has active job seekers in every industry using the site every day, and you can get started on ZipRecruiter completely for free. Whether you plan to post your job ad or use their sophisticated free resume search function to find potential candidates, ZipRecruiter will help you find people looking for jobs. 

You can also pay to have ZipRecruiter send your job ad out to their 100+ partner job sites so you can reach even more people looking for jobs. Check out our guide on “How to Post a Job on ZipRecruiter” to get started. 

2. Facebook Groups

If you’re looking to find people looking for jobs in your local area, get on Facebook and search for local groups. In many cases, you’ll find a specific group for people looking for jobs, but most areas have a group for general local news. Posting in these groups will help you find people looking for jobs who are ready to start work as soon as possible. 

3. Indeed

Indeed is one of the most well-known job boards in the world, so you can rest assured knowing you can find people looking for jobs there! While it may not have quite as sophisticated features as ZipRecruiter, a well-composed job ad will help you find people searching for roles like yours. 

4. Industry-Specific Job Boards 

Two Men Holding White Paper - find people looking for jobs

General job boards are a great place to find people looking for jobs, but make sure you find industry-specific job boards, too. These boards cater specifically to people looking to work in your industry or with plenty of industry experience. So, it’s well worth the time investment to find those for your industry so you can reach qualified candidates. 

5. LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a great place to find job seekers, both those actively looking and those you may want to approach with an offer. It has a free job board where you can post your job ad. But don’t forget you can put in the time to find relevant candidates and invite them to apply for your job listing, even if they’re not actively looking for a new role. 

6. Monster 

Monster is another one of the big job boards where you can find people looking for jobs. The platform is one of the most well-known job boards in the US, so it’s one of the first places job seekers will think to go to look for a new position. Like ZipRecruiter, they also have a network of partner sites you can pay to access to post your job ad to so you can reach more people. 

7. Glassdoor 

Do you have positive reviews on Glassdoor? Make sure you post your job listing there, as those reviews can act as a marketing tool to draw people looking for jobs to you. All job seekers want to move to a company with a positive company culture, good rates of pay, and a supportive atmosphere, and if your Glassdoor reviews showcase that, make sure you use their job board. 

Find People Looking for Jobs on ZipRecruiter 

If you’re posting on sites like ZipRecruiter and not getting many qualified candidates, make sure you check that you’re creating effective job ads. Remember that your job ad is essentially selling your position to applicants, so make sure it includes everything a skilled candidate wants to know. 

If you’ve yet to start your search for your next employee, you can quickly find people looking for jobs on ZipRecruiter. With their smart filtering and AI matching technology, you can sort through their resume database in minutes and invite qualified job seekers to apply for your position. Click here to start posting your job on ZipRecruiter!

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